Monday, May 5, 2014

20 Interesting Childhood Confessions

#1:  I was part of the "Boys Only" club in 2nd grade.

#2:  At summer camp I snuck out of my tent at 5:30 in the morning and jumped into a frozen-over lake because I was bored.

#3:  I had a reading competition with an illiterate kid to see who could finish the Harry Potter series first.  For what it's worth, I won.

#4:  There was a boy in my 1st grade class named Boomer.  I stole every piece of art he ever made.  I still have them.

#5:  There was this boy in my 1st grade class named Shaun.  I punched him in the nose because his face really bugged me.

#6:  I wore a clear "My Little Pony" backpack to school every day in first grade day just to show off my toy pony collection.

#7:  I used to climb on top of our neighbor's roof and pretend I was a secret agent.

#8:  I got falsely accused for cheating on a test in 4th grade and didn't even try to defend myself because I thought it was funny when the teacher was mad at me.

#9:  I told a kid to strangle Sara Williams, and he did.  He put her in a headlock.  I think she has problems breathing now.

#10:  On my 11th birthday, when I didn't get my Hogwarts Acceptance Letter, I cried.

#11:  I can actually understand lots of Korean.

#12:  I was bored in the middle of the night, so I snuck out of bed and covered my cousin in shaving cream while he was asleep.

#13:  I stuck gum in my mom's hair because I had an impulse to do so.

#14:  My old orchestra teacher used to hold meetings after school to discuss how he could keep my friends and I under control.

#15:  I used to have a Bob The Builder shrine in my closet.

#16:  One time I fainted because someone hugged me.

#17:  Actually, I fainted because I went on a candy-eating-rampage, and devoured everything within reach.  After I ate all the candy, I started spooning sugar into my mouth because I was hungry.  Then I hugged someone, and that's just when I happened to faint.

#18:  I hiccup like a dying mountain-man.

#19:  Sometimes I call my friends the names of fictional characters.  (Sorry Damaris)

#20:  Because I never got my acceptance letter to Hogwarts, I proceeded to learn all the classes myself.  I can now read Ancient Runes, know how to brew a Draught of Living Death, and know practically every spell in existence. I'm really proud of that fact.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes! The Trio Of Tragedy will rise again!

  2. OMG you kindred spirit!! LOL. I am in Ravenclaw by the way. Never mind that I am getting close to 50. By the way do you know .. I suppose you do, but just in case you haven't .. about Pottermore and Hogwarts is Here? Back to your post - what a delightfully terrible child you must have been :-) and I am just wondering, if the lake was frozen over, how exactly did you jump INTO it? A little under-age apparating??

  3. All I did when I was a kid was disappoint my parents.
